si instruments

Address: 256 South Road, Hilton SA 5033, Australia
Phone: (08) 8352 5511

The FM100 Pinch Door Force Tester from DriveTest, available in Australia through SI Instruments, is an electronic pinch force measuring system for power driven doors and gates. Typical applications include final inspection of new installations, and periodic conformance testing of existing equipment. Combining rugged construction with precision, the advanced mechanical design delivers exact measurements, even after years of service in an industrial environment. The FM100 has been tested and certified by the German TÜV.

Sites with multiple doors and gates call for fast and easy performance of repetitive measurements. DriveTest has responded to this requirement by developing software which streamlines the measurement process and drastically reduces documentation effort. Measurements made on a complete site can be entered, printed as a table and stored in a database with a minimum of user entries.

More Information on the FM100 Pinch Door Tester